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Sai Sree Vedic Astrology Center

Vedic Astrology Free Birth Star Free Predictions 2000 Name Analysis Horoscope Marriage Compatibility


Welcome to the ultimate destination of Vedic Astrology. This site is dedicated to the greatest science of Vedic Astrology,  which has spread its light on the mankind for centuries and will spread its light for many more ages. Please support our effort to keep this science glowing forever.

Our Mission

Sai Sree Vedic Astrology Center was established with an aim to provide the guidance required to millions of people who live in India and abroad, who could not get the right advice at the right time, be it a Sumuhurtha for - Marriage,Thread Marriage(Upanayanam), Griha Pravesh, starting a New Business or any other auspicious occasion in your home. You can also consult us for regular Jathaka chakra for you or your family and also for astrological  compatibility of marriage alliances. We will also suggest suitable remedies using our unique system of Astro -Therapy [Jyothir Vaidhyam ]. As part of this therapy we will suggest slokas, which if you practice regularly will help in improving your future and your spiritual upliftment. Astro - Therapy is governed by the principle that planets and the rasis occupied by the planets, in the Graha Chart of the individual, have effect on his physical and mental body causing illnesses.

Based on the horoscopes of the individual, we can also suggest favorable periods of time when the individual can invest in speculation, like stocks, aiding in maximum profits for the individual.

For all your jyotish needs you can count on us. Sai Sree Astrology Center is established by Shri Shri Shri Turaga Ramachandra Rao who has 20 years of experience in Vedic Astrology. This astrology center was opened at Hyderabad initially by his Guruji Shri Shri Shri Dr.Ch.V.B.Subrahmanyam, Head of the Department of Astrology, Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University - Hyderabad who is the Honorary Adviser to this center.
